
Signed, stamped & sealed: I'm a Perfect Failure

Kettlebells. Have you ever heard of these devilish little buggers?  Imagine a black cannon ball with a metal loop at the top that you lift and swing around like a loon. It's a Russian thing. This has become my chosen workout routine with less than 2 months before the wedding and after the 2nd class tonight, I hope that
A. I make it to the wedding!  
B. I don't look like Hulk Hogan ;)

I've never worked more muscles at one time in my life! I reached the status of "perfect failure" in both classes, which means you're literally working until your body says "nope, I ain't doin' anymore damnit".  Apparently in kettlebell class, that's the ultimate goal...a little bit like getting two gold stars in Miss Berger's 2nd grade class.

Despite my innate ability to fail (hee hee) I'm really enjoying the teachers and people attending the class more than anything.  They're all these sweet, huggy, cheerleader types helping everyone along and never demanding that you do more that you can, but expecting you to do your best.  Pretty good deal if you ask me.

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